*Taking a hiatus!* Understanding biotech through lenses of history, business, finance, and regulations. Follow to join in on our monthly #BiotechBookclub
Reminder! Book Club this Tuesday at 8pm ET! @IncaDieterich and @SusannaLHarris will be reviewing "Science Business" by Gary Pisano. Link to Clubhouse (whether or not you have an account yet): https://www.joinclubhouse.com/join/biotech-entrepreneur/aqVIVqJJ/M4G5LXYJ
Ash Jogalekar is a scientist and science writer.
@liangc_science "Science Business" by Gary Pisano: great read on why biotech is hard. "Medicine, Science and Merck" by the legendary Roy Vagelos; in part inspiring memoir and in part history of Merck in its golden days. Also, Thomas Hager's biography of Domagk, "The Demon Under the Microscope".