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@dseazes that one's for you. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ main pigment themes: sunken harbor, submarine base, silent sea, and delayed yellow. frame https://t.co/QxAYAxzvFn
Journalists & analysts covering all things North Korea: Breaking news, culture, opinion & research. Also powering NK PRO. On Mastodon at @nknews@federated.press
NEW: The ROKS Cheonan, a corvette sunk by a North Korean submarine torpedo in 2010, is returning to the Yellow Sea as a bigger frigate. The new and improved vessel is 1,800 tons heavier than its previous incarnation and carries larger guns. https://t.co/k7cx9zZWMt
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We’ve been planting Yellow Submarine tomatoes! They look hungry but soon they’ll be a sea of green! https://t.co/EAeyBiS9xu