Critic Reviews
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"... a fun and enlightening read. [Higgins] skillfully weaves together narratives about seminal discoveries in sensory science, cutting-edge research happening today, and people whose sensory worlds are unusual in some way."
Bookseller, editor, blogger, reader, reviewer, writer, photographer, drinker, swashbuckler, cat tickler
@super_cogitaire If you liked those, I recommend Sentient by Jackie Higgins. Explores remarkable animal senses, also relating them to how they teach us about the way humans perceive through our senses. Has that sense of wonder to it.
All things books from The Washington Post.
What does this funny-looking mole have to do with our sense of touch? A new book explains. ‘Sentient,’ by @JackieHiggins_, is a fascinating look at what discoveries from the animal kingdom tell us about human senses @AtriaBooks @MichaelSimsBook