Life is one big adventure for Snoopy. The cleverest canine to ever lounge about the funny pages is riding a wave into some charmingly humorous misadventures into some charmingly humorous misadventures. Charlie Brown's beloved pooch struggles to master sports intended for humans, ventures into the woods to prove his worth as a Beagle Scout, and pals around with his feathered friend Woodstock, spreading merriment along the way.
Everything Old Is New Again - stories, good things and visual culture -
Writing For Peanuts: How Charles Schulz and Snoopy Taught Us To Write - Flashbak
Senior writer @CBR, comic writing @csbg and general pop culture writing @poprefs plus legends stuff @legendsreveal. Also sports at &
In a brand-new Knowledge Waits for @csbg at @cbr, I show how Charles Schulz used Snoopy to celebrate D-Day over the years.