Christopher Moore is an author.
@mo_edray No, I haven't even read Confederacy since high school. If you like that sensibility, though, try Nick Yetto's, The Sommelier of Deformity. The narrator really has that Ignatius energy, although I don't know if there was actually intent there or just coincidence.
"This is the best book I've read in years, and it's also the first time in years that a book has made me laugh, which I did many times while reading this comedic tour de force. Buddy Hayes, the scabrous hero and narrator of this slapstick, ingenious tale, may be small in stature for a full-grown man (4'9'' with a crooked, twisted spine), but he's a giant of a creation, an Ignatius J. Reilly for the 21st Century, and Nick Yetto is a brilliant new writer, who seems to have arrived on planet literature fully-formed, like a gift from the gods. As I read this book, I didn't want to leave the world and family that Yetto had created; I didn't want Buddy to stop talking to me and telling me his story; I simply didn't want this book to end and was truly bereft when it was over. But, you know, I can still feel that rascal Buddy in my mind and I can still feel him out there in the world, sallying forth bravely and insanely as always. He's like the greatest characters in fiction -- so profoundly vivid and unique that he goes on living after the last page has turned." -Jonathan Ames, author of Wake Up, Sir! and creator of the television series Bored to Death
"Sommelier of Deformity is that rare and delightful phenomenon, a novel that is actually funny. Buddy Hayes joins the company of the great a rascal narrators of literature and in the telling of his tale, proves that an over-examined life might just need living. Nick Yetto is a talented storyteller and crafter of characters, and he's just getting started. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next." - Christopher Moore, NY Times Bestselling Author of Lamb and A Dirty Job
"Worthy of the highest praise, Sommelier of Deformity is an extraordinary feast." - Jeff Johnson, author of Knottspeed and Deadbomb Bingo Ray
"Intensely dark and sardonic, Sommelier of Deformity is also, paradoxically, an uplifting and redemptive story...Compelling and accomplished, Nick Yetto's debut novel sparkles with vivid characters, startling twists, and outrageously comedic dialogue. While the author describes this work as absurdist fiction, it is not a story of a hopeless protagonist battling a meaningless world. Instead, Buddy is a flawed but steely Hephaestus on a quest for meaning who tentatively begins shaping a new life. For all of its tawdry and graphic language, Sommelier of Deformity is in the end a sympathetic, touching story of healing, community, and self-acceptance." - Kristen Rabe, Foreword Reviews