In the Lord's year 1303, a holy order of knights faces the brink of extinction. Their holy crusade falters as a fiendish monster from beyond the mist decimates their numbers. In desperation, the Knights Templar dispatch a unit to find an ancient relic hoping to tip the scales in the battle against the forces of darkness. Sir Marcus Le'heroux bravely leads the knights into the Hungarian wilderness, but when the weapon he finds buried in the Mátra Mountains turns out to be an awakened Soulstealer, he faces much more than he bargained for. Will the Order's new weapon prove to be more monster than man?
Embark on the thrilling origin story of the death eater Oxivius Soulforge from the Baku Trilogy. Before being shaped by the Witch of Endor into the master of necromantic arts, he walked the earth as Soulstealer.
A Baku-verse Novel
Urban Fantasy Author who lives and writes in the great state of Maine. An avid reader and player of table top games. Lover of all dogs. Freelance heretic.
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Will the Order's new weapon prove to be more monster than man? Find out in "Soulstealer Origins" now. #trilogy #supernatural #suspense #fiction #fantasy @reedwestgate Buy Now -->