Tally thought they were a rumor, but now she's one of them. A Special. A super-amped fighting machine, engineered to keep the uglies down and the pretties stupid.
But maybe being perfectly programmed with strength and focus isn't better than anything she's ever known. Tally still has memories of something else.
Still, it's easy to tune that out--until she's offered a chance to stamp out the rebels of the New Smoke permanently. It all comes down to one last choice: listen to that tiny, faint heartbeat, or carry out the mission she's programmed to complete. Either way, Tally's world will never be the same.
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‘This exciting story makes you realise how important it is not to judge people by appearances.’ Newcastle Upon Tyne Journal Get the third installment in the bestselling and award-winning Uglies series, #Specials by @ScottWesterfeld now for just 99p! https://t.co/zNYc6qJCmI https://t.co/bJU7ouhieU
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Review: Specials (8/9/17) - Specials by Scott Westerfeld My rating: 4 of 5 stars I feel like Tally had really grown up a lot in this book than the first two. This book sets around a year after everything started happening to her and you can... https://t.co/pnje6GJx6Z