Critic Reviews
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Mina is staring over the edge of the George Washington Bridge when a patrol car drives up. She tries to convince the officers she's not about to jump, but they don't believe her. Her husband, Oscar, is called to pick her up.
Oscar hopes that leaving New York City for a few months will give Mina the space to heal, so they move to London, to Oscar's oldest friends and an apartment wallpapered with indigo-eyed birds, near a canal and flower market. Mina, a classicist, works on her book about mythological women and searches for solutions to her failing mental health by pondering their lives. Penelope, Psyche, Leda . . . They all survived, didn't they? Even Iphigenia, in one of the tellings. Mina finally finds a beam of light in Phoebe, a real-life woman, and Oscar and Mina's complicated love is tested.
A gorgeously wrought novel, variously about love, mythology, mental illness, and the times we need to seek out milder psychological climates, Rowan Hisayo Buchanan's Starling Days is a complex and compelling work of fiction by a singularly gifted writer.
Crimewriter – novels, radio, TV, to-do lists. Reading junkie. Likes hill-walks, mum dancing, pootling in the garden. She/her. Latest book Running Out of Road.
#FridayReads Starling Days by Rowan Hisayo Buchanan. The Costa short-listed novel about a young couple who make a temporary move from New York to London, the woman struggling with depression, is sensitively, honestly told and very moving. I was completely immersed. @RowanHLB
An imprint of @abramsbooks.
Mina found herself staring over the edge of the George Washington Bridge trying to convince the police officer she wasn't going to jump. You can read the powerful first chapter from STARLING DAYS by @RowanHLB on our website:
Brad Listi is an author and podcast host.
✅LISTEN—> Episode 641 — Rowan Hisayo Buchanan (@RowanHLB), author of STARLING DAYS (@overlookpress) #Otherppl #author #writing #literature #theoverlookpress #fiction #rowanhisayobuchanan #interview #podcast #books #starlingdays #novel