Critic Reviews
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One of our great urbanists and one of our great public health experts join forces to reckon with how cities are changing in the face of existential threats the pandemic has only accelerated
Cities can make us sick. That's always been true--diseases spread more easily when more people are close to one another. And cities have been demonized as breeding grounds for vice and crime from Sodom and Gomorrah on. But cities have flourished nonetheless because they are humanity's greatest invention, indispensable engines for creativity, innovation, wealth, and civilization itself.
But cities now stand at a crossroads. During the global COVID crisis, cities grew silent; the normal forms of socializing ground to a halt. How permanent are these changes? Advances in technology mean that many people can opt out of city life as never before. Will they? Are we on the brink of a post-urban world?
City life will survive, but individual cities face terrible risks, argue Edward Glaeser and David Cutler, and a wave of urban failure would be absolutely disastrous. In terms of intimacy and inspiration, nothing can replace what cities offer. But great cities have always demanded great management, and our current crisis has exposed fearful gaps in our capacity for good governance. In America, Glaeser and Cutler argue, deep inequities in health care and education are a particular blight on the future of our cities; solving them will be the difference between our collective good health and a downward spiral to a much darker place.
Founded in 1969, the Washington Monthly is a political magazine that illuminates the ideas and characters that animate America's government. Threads: wamonthly.
In "Survival of the City: Living and Thriving in an Age of Isolation," Edward Glaeser and @Cutler_econ, professors of economics at Harvard, argue that the COVID pandemic provides an opportunity to make cities better. Reviewed here by @Daniel_Luzer.
Public policy research and education boldly advancing peaceful, prosperous, and free societies grounded in a commitment to human worth and dignity.
Doesn’t the pandemic, and the sharing economy with apps, and distributed opportunities for remote work, mean that cities have passed their peak? @Cutler_econ and Edward Glaeser discuss this in their book, Survival of the City. Read @mungowitz’s review:
The Harvard Economics Department has used scholarship to fight the world's most pressing problems. Nothing should limit the economist's imagination.
Survival of the City: The Future of Urban Life in an Age of Isolation, by professors Glaeser and @Cutler_econ is on the @nytimes 5 new paperbacks to read this week list 📚Check it out!
"Glaeser's Survival of the City: Living and Thriving in an Age of Isolation, written with Harvard health economist David Cutler, shares the pleasing style of its predecessor [Triumph of the City], an engaging mixture of history and analysis . . . 'The age of urban miracles need not be over, ' Messrs. Glaeser and Cutler write. 'Indeed, it must not be.'" --Wall Street Journal
"Survival of the City lays out a compelling vision for reasonable, doable and affordable policy changes that would improve the quality of life in cities and benefit everyone across the nation . . . This is an important book of ideas, history and policy recommendations, a book that should be read and discussed by anyone concerned with the future of cities." --Inside Higher Ed
"Ambitious and timely . . . a valuable resource on how to make America's cities better." --Publishers Weekly
"A sweeping investigation of threats to urban life. . . . A thoughtful and useful consideration of the fate of cities in the age of Covid-19." --Kirkus
"Over the past three decades, David Cutler has done pathbreaking work on the determinants of health, while Ed Glaeser has done pathbreaking work on cities and economic growth. Now they've teamed up to write a book that focuses on the intersection between these two areas: how cities shape our health and livelihoods amidst a global pandemic. A fascinating read that helps us understand how we got to where we are today and design policies to build healthier, opportunity-rich cities in the future, Survival of the City will be a terrific resource for the public and policymakers for years to come." --Raj Chetty, William A. Ackman Professor of Public Economics, Harvard University
"This is a must-read for anyone interested in the health of cities and their residents. Glaeser and Cutler sift through the evidence to offer an incisive, engaging analysis of the real challenges posed by pandemics and other threats to urban life. Their clear and balanced policy prescriptions will protect cities from long COVID and help them emerge from the pandemic as resilient and vital as ever." --Ingrid Gould Ellen, Paulette Goddard Professor of Urban Policy and Planning at NYU Wagner
"David Cutler and Ed Glaeser have written an important book on an important topic. They discuss the crucial question of how to prevent cities from becoming privileged enclaves--a development that would impoverish the world. The outline an important prescription for protecting cities around the world by addressing and learning to better address the nexus of governance, jobs, and taxes." --Thomas R. Frieden
"In this readable yet rigorous book, two brilliant economists tackle the question of our time: How can the people and places whose energies drive our economy thrive in a post-COVID world? Their answer: put health improvement above medical care, striving outsiders before privileged insiders, and cities at the heart of a revitalized American dream." --Jacob S. Hacker, Stanley B. Resor Professor of Political Science, Yale University; coauthor of Let Them Eat Tweets
"Survival of the City is a smart and surprising account of how the modern metropolis can bounce back from the current crisis, and a compelling argument for sweeping policy change. The authors--one liberal, one conservative--are not ideologically aligned, but their differences yield fresh ideas and bursts of insight. I found myself learning from, arguing with, and thoroughly enjoying every part of this totally necessary book." --Eric Klinenberg, Helen Gould Shepard Professor in Social Science, New York University
"Survival of the City is a work of stunning brilliance. I learned something on every page, and these are topics I thought I understood. This book is a must read for anyone who hopes to talk intelligently about a post-COVID world." --Steven Levitt, William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, University of Chicago; coauthor of Freakonomics
"This fascinating book is about everything--the plague, COVID-19, obesity, robots, schools and more--all seen through the lens of the city, its past and future. It's a gripping read for anyone, but especially those who are wondering just what is the place of the city in their post-pandemic lives." --Emily Oster, professor of economics, Brown University