Critic Reviews
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Team Human is a manifesto--a fiery distillation of preeminent digital theorist Douglas Rushkoff's most urgent thoughts on civilization and human nature. In one hundred lean and incisive statements, he argues that we are essentially social creatures, and that we achieve our greatest aspirations when we work together--not as individuals. Yet today society is threatened by a vast antihuman infrastructure that undermines our ability to connect. Money, once a means of exchange, is now a means of exploitation; education, conceived as way to elevate the working class, has become another assembly line; and the internet has only further divided us into increasingly atomized and radicalized groups.
Team Human delivers a call to arms. If we are to resist and survive these destructive forces, we must recognize that being human is a team sport. In Rushkoff's own words: "Being social may be the whole point." Harnessing wide-ranging research on human evolution, biology, and psychology, Rushkoff shows that when we work together we realize greater happiness, productivity, and peace. If we can find the others who understand this fundamental truth and reassert our humanity--together--we can make the world a better place to be human.
Writer. Podcaster. Producer. Author of What Works: A Comprehensive Framework to Change the Way We Approach Goal-Setting. #actuallyautistic
@lovevalgeisler You Belong by Sebene Selassi, Bullshit Jobs & Debt by David Graeber, The Sabbath World by Judith Shulevitz, Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff, Cultish by Amanda Montell... I can keep going!
Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Vegan Futurist, Blogger & Podcaster on the Singularity, Transhumanism, AI & Ethics
Media Theorist Douglas Rushkoff on Team Human: We have the power of cancer but really not much more awareness of our self-destructive trajectory.
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Douglas Rushkoff, author of Team Human, Present Shock, and Program or Be Programed. “Since I see technology itself as amoral, I believe its impact (positive or negative) is a function of the ethics, values and beliefs of those applying it.?