Many have been quick to declare this the dawn of a neurological and emotional crisis, but solid science on the subject is surprisingly hard to come by. In The Art of Screen Time, Anya Kamenetz -- an expert on education and technology, as well as a mother of two young children -- takes a refreshingly practical look at the subject. Surveying hundreds of fellow parents on their practices and ideas, and cutting through a thicket of inconclusive studies and overblown claims, she hones a simple message, a riff on Michael Pollan's well-known "food rules" Enjoy Screens. Not too much. Mostly with others.
This brief but powerful dictum forms the backbone of a philosophy that will help parents moderate technology in their children's lives, curb their own anxiety, and create room for a happy, healthy family life with and without screens.
Jon Favreau is a political commentator, podcaster, and former speechwriter.
RT @UnculturedByCm: How should parents manage kids’ screen time? @anya1anya, author of “The Art of Screen Time” and @NPR_ed correspondent joins @jonfavs on a new #Offline to discuss.
the only 100% correct opinions in politics & culture. we don't just focus on what’s broken, but what we can do to fix it.
How should parents manage kids’ screen time? @anya1anya, author of “The Art of Screen Time” and @NPR_ed correspondent joins @jonfavs on a new #Offline to discuss.