Every baby- and toddler-care decision sends parents scrambling to do the right thing, and often down into the rabbit hole of conflicting advice. Dr. Tina Payne Bryson has sifted through the reliable research (including about all those old wives' tales) and will help you make a manageable molehill out of the mountain of information and answer more than sixty common concerns and dilemmas, including
- Breast or bottle? Or breast and bottle? Will that cause nipple confusion?
- What's the latest recommendation for introducing solids in light of potential allergies?
- Should I sign us up for music and early-language classes?
- What's the evidence for and against circumcision?
- When is the right time to wean my baby off her pacifier?
- How do I get this child to sleep through the night?!
Dr. Bryson boils things down with authority, demystifying the issues in three distinct sections: an objective summary of the schools of thought on the topic, including commonly held pros and cons; a clear and concise primer on "What the Science Says"; and a Bottom Line conclusion. When the science doesn't point clearly in one direction, she guides you to assess and apply the information in a way that's consistent with your family's principles and meets your child's unique needs. Full of warmth, expert wisdom, and blessedly bite-sized explanations, The Bottom Line for Baby will help you prioritize what you really need to know and do during the first year of precious life.
Book & media development agency working with the brightest & most inspiring minds to create a wiser, healthier & just world.
Love #WholeBrainChild and #NoDramaDiscipline? Our friend and author @TinaBryson has a new book! THE BOTTOM LINE FOR BABY is out tomorrow, but you can order today! https://t.co/dwofpOgDJ1 #BottomLineForBaby #TheBottomLineForBaby https://t.co/4sNqd4VrAc
I teach high-achievers how to craft sustainable lives as leaders.
My dear friend @tinabryson has a new book out! THE BOTTOM LINE FOR BABY addresses 60+ topics that parents get a lot of confusing and contradictory information about. I wish I had it when I was a new mom!! want a copy? comment & I’ll pick a winner) http://ow.ly/kmAc50BfbJ4 https://t.co/TlJfwLXapH
"Louis Pasteur once said that 'chance favors the prepared mind.' This insightful book ensures you'll be prepared for parenthood and all the chance happenings that come with it. The bottom line? Tina Payne Bryson's scientific training, intelligence, compassion, and personal experience make this an essential guide to making all your important parenting decisions."--Daniel J. Siegel, MD, New York Times bestselling author of The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline