Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is Indonesia's oldest and leading think tank focusing on strategic political, security & economic affairs.
CSIS akan menyelenggarakan seminar diskusi buku mengenai The Connections World: The Future of Asian Capitalism oleh Simon Commander dan Saul Estrin. Acara ini akan diselenggarakan secara daring. Mari berpartisipasi: Zoom: https://t.co/j6FEnkPuUB Youtube: https://t.co/OE9vaRjjA7 https://t.co/VqordoqEEF
LSE's public lecture programme: where some of the most influential figures in the social sciences can be heard.
The LSE Review of Books has shared a review of The Connections World: The Future of Asian Capitalism. We hosted a discussion with authors @SimonJCommander and @saul_estrin, who advise major changes must be made to policy and behaviour in the region. https://t.co/LCptL5iUhi https://t.co/s80y0dIgUM
The Asian Review of Books is a dedicated pan-Asia book review publication. (Tweets of other publications' reviews/articles and retweets are for interest only.)
"The Connections World: The Future of Asian Capitalism" by Simon Commander and Saul Estrin reviewed in @LSEReviewBooks https://t.co/Lc1HxBkSua