A cave monster . . . an abandoned demon . . . a ghost who wants to erase history . . . a killer commandant . . . These are just some of the challenges confronting the young heroes in this highly entertaining anthology.
All but one of the heroes previously starred in a popular book from Rick Riordan Presents. You'll be reunited with Aru Shah, Zane Obispo, Min the fox spirit, Sal and Gabi, Gum Baby, Nizhoni Begay, Paola Santiago, Sikander Aziz, and Riley Oh. Who is the new hero? Read Rick Riordan's short story to find out!
Ten bestselling and award-winning middle grade authors contributed to this collection: Roshani Chokshi, J.C. Cervantes, Yoon Ha Lee, Carlos Hernandez, Kwame Mbalia, Rebecca Roanhorse, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Sarwat Chadda, Graci Kim, and Rick Riordan, who also served as the editor.
The cultures represented by these own-voices stories are: Indian, Mesoamerican, Korean, Cuban, Black American, African, Navajo, Mexican, Mesopotamian, and Celtic.
There's something for everyone in this best-selling collection of fast-paced and funny adventure stories that show what it takes to be a hero in any time, setting, and universe.
Read more about the heroes in these best-selling books:
Librarian, Audiobook Addict, Lapsed Blogger, Singer, Community Theater, Pride Mom, She/Her All thoughts & views are my own
My #FridayReads #FridayListens is The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities: New Stories About Mythic Heroes By, Roshani Chokshi, J.C. Cervantes, Yoon Ha Lee, Carlos Hernandez, Kwame Mbalia, Rebecca Roanhorse, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Sarwat Chadda, Graci Kim, and Rick Riordan, editor. https://t.co/CeuvcSOPIQ
toronto 🇨🇦 I make videos about books on my channel thisstoryaintover✌📖📷 pronounced: JEN-na-nee 💌: thisstoryaintover@gmail.com
📚 new book haul 📚 Thanks to @DisneyBooks for partnering with me to celebrate the release of @rickriordan's DAUGHTER OF THE DEEP and @readriordan's THE CURSED CARNIVAL AND OTHER CALAMITIES! #AD Middle school me is freaking out!! https://youtu.be/V3_DTl31d7U https://t.co/tVA8aw4BmL
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📖 Rick Riordan Presents the Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities: New Stories about Mythic Heroes [capa dura, em inglês] 💰 R$ 32,93: https://t.co/VCmkV4aPBo The cultures represented by these own-voices stories are: Indian, Mesoamerican, Korean, Cuban, Black American, African,… https://t.co/1BzcMcbDiQ https://t.co/pgIhJCaGcW