Writer of real and pretend; teacher @ColumbiaSOA, Writing Through Motherhood. Work @JoylandMagazine @ElectricLit @mcsweeneys @BOMBmagazine etc. She/her
The Light Between Worlds by Laura E. Weymouth milk teeth by amrita mahale May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude and At Seventy The Gift of Rain by Tan Twang Eng Maybe by Lillian Hellman The God in Flight by Laura Argiri Mating, by Norman Rush Mornings with Rosemary by Libby Page
"...Argiri provides an enchanting menagerie of bullies and villains, friends and mentors. And her pair of lovers are as memorable as Mary Renault's Alexander and Bagoas. Many readers should be delighted by this haunting blend of melodrama and fancy." - Publishers Weekly, starred review "...Argiri understands the way intellectual gay men in the late 19th Century thought and felt." - David Leavitt for the Los Angeles Times "Art professor Doriskos Klionarios looks and sculpts like a Greek god. His teenage student, Simion Satterwhite, has a faunlike beauty and a genius for math. Their true love triumphs over child abuse, anorexia, homophobia, censorship, and the violence of bigots...this lush, effusive work [has] some satiric bite." - Entertainment Weekly "If a novel's worth can be measured by the power and verity of the emotions it instills in the reader, then Argiri's approaches the divine. It transforms and moves the spirit as modern fiction should and so seldom does, describing a love story with such true emotion the heart aches reading it." - Booklist