Gabby's back from Spring Break and the trip of a lifetime, where she met her tío Sol Azteca, a famous luchador, and learned about her roots. Now Gabby has a new friend by her side...former bully Natalie Gooch. With their friendship blossoming, Gabby is eager to fight for justice and protect her town. But when a former substitute teacher returns to Fillmore Elementary acting un poco nutty, Gabby learns that danger might be closer than it seems. Will a Gum Girl team finally assemble? Or will Gabby Gomez finally be stretched to her limits?
With Spanish words used throughout the story, readers continue to have opportunities to be fully immersed in Gabby's world--through text, art, and speech. This fully illustrated chapter book series is for the superhero fans inside all of us.
Catch the rest of The Gumazing Gum Girl! series adventures:
The Gumazing Gum Girl! Chews Your Destiny
The Gumazing Gum Girl! Gum Luck!
The Gumazing Gum Girl! Popped Star
The Gumazing Gum Girl! Cover Blown
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It’s all fun and gums until your substitute teacher turns into a hangry hamster... Stick around and find out what happens next in THE GUMAZING GUM GIRL: STICK TOGETHER! by @RhodeMontijo with @reynoldslukew on sale August 17th, 2021
Praise for the Gumazing Gum Girl! Series
Book One: Chews Your Destiny
"Perfectly paced and bursting with laughs, the tale will appeal to fans of humor and reluctant readers alike, who will identify with Gabby's sticky situation." --Kirkus Reviews
"[Gabby's] good heart and realistic struggles with her mom and classroom bullies make her eminently relatable, and her exuberant voice (she bursts into song when excited) makes her a welcome addition to the ranks of early-elementary superkids." --The Bulletin
Book Two: Gum Luck
"A shoo-in for reluctant readers...Good, sticky fun." --Kirkus Reviews