Considered by some to be the greatest novel of the twenty-first century, Helen DeWitt's brilliant The Last Samurai tells the story of Sibylla, an Oxford-educated single mother raising a possible child prodigy, Ludo. Disappointed when he meets his biological father, the boy decides that he can do better. Inspired by Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, he embarks on a quixotic, moving quest to find a suitable father. The novel's cult-classic status did not come easy: it underwent a notoriously tortuous publication process and briefly went out of print.
Lee Konstantinou combines a riveting reading of The Last Samurai with a behind-the-scenes look at DeWitt's fraught experiences with corporate publishing. He shows how interpreting the ambition and richness of DeWitt's work in light of her struggles with literary institutions provides a potent social critique. The novel helps us think about our capacity for learning and creativity, revealing the constraints that capitalism and material deprivation impose on intellectual flourishing. Drawing on interviews with DeWitt and other key figures, Konstantinou explores the book's composition and its history with Talk Miramax Books, the publishing arm of Bob and Harvey Weinstein's media empire. He argues that The Last Samurai allegorizes its troubled relationship with the institutions and middlemen that ferried it into the world. What's ultimately at stake in Ludo's quest is not only who might make a good father but also how we might fulfill our potential in a world that often seems cruelly designed to thwart that very possibility.
Editor at @ColumbiaUP. I acquire in Film and Media Studies, Journalism, and Literary Studies.
Today at 12:30 join Lee Konstantinou (@LKonstan) as he discusses his new book, THE LAST SAMURAI REREAD, w/ Orrin Wang. @UMDEnglish @ColumbiaUP #Rereadings
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Join @LKonstan, Orrin Wang, and the Center for Literary and Comparative Studies at the University of Maryland for a virtual book launch of THE LAST SAMURAI REREAD, tomorrow, January 31, from 12:30PM-1:00PM. Get your tickets today! UMDEnglish
Public Books is an online magazine of ideas, arts, and scholarship.
“One must, the book suggests, face reality honestly but never submit to that reality.” Read an excerpt from Lee Konstantinou’s “The Last Samurai Reread” (2022). @ColumbiaUP.
The Last Samurai Reread is a fascinating study of a novel whose remarkable origin story Lee Konstantinou brilliantly approaches as a story of our time. From his inspired decision to regard the book's center of interest as less its Precocious Child than its Precarious Mother, to the way in which this ramifies outward into a meditation on aesthetic education in a late-capitalist era of crumbling infrastructure and increasing income inequality, Konstantinou's compelling reading of DeWitt's novel does something that the latter does explicitly: revive our imagination of a world in which nonalienated intellectual production might be a possibility for everyone.
--Sianne Ngai, author of Theory of the Gimmick: Aesthetic Judgment and Capitalist Form