In 1912, however, the philosopher received a legacy from his mother's estate which allowed him to retire from teaching. He traveled to Europe, spending time first in England and Paris and later settling in Rome. He remained there until his death on September 26, 1952.
A poet and literary critic as well as a philosopher, Santayana made significant contributions to aesthetics, primarily through the publication of his earliest major work in this area, The Sense of Beauty (1896), which focuses on the imaginative life of humanity rather than on the underlying structures of reality or on humankind's methods of grasping reality. This theme is continued and expanded upon in Santayana's most famous work, The Life of Reason (5 vols., 1905-1906). Santayana retained a naturalistic approach in. all his writing, hold-ing that everything ideal has a natural basis and that everything natural has an ideal development.
Santayana's other works include Skepticism and Animal Faith (1923) and the Realms of Being (4 vols., 1927-1940), as well as his critically acclaimed novel, The Last Puritan (1935), and his autobiography, Persons and Places (3 vols., 1944-1953).
Views of a Transhuman neo-Buddhist from the future on sociology, artificial intelligence, mathematics, philosophy, neonoir film, and the post-singularity era.
> “Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim.” – George Santayana, Life of Reason, Volume 1
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@lakens "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana, The Life of Reason.
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George Santayana b. #OTD The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress. London, Archibald Constable & Co., 1905-1906.