Praise for The Little Book of Talent
"The Little Book of Talent should be given to every graduate at commencement, every new parent in a delivery room, every executive on the first day of work. It is a guidebook--beautiful in its simplicity and backed by hard science--for nurturing excellence."--Charles Duhigg, bestselling author of The Power of Habit
"It's so juvenile to throw around hyperbolic terms such as 'life-changing, ' but there's no other way to describe The Little Book of Talent. I was avidly trying new things within the first half hour of reading it and haven't stopped since. Brilliant. And yes: life-changing."--Tom Peters, co-author of In Search of Excellence
Daniel Pink is an author.
Starting to compile my favorite books of 2012. Near top of the list: D. Coyle's THE LITTLE BOOK OF TALENT, which I found via @tom_peters.
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“There is a place, right on the edge of your ability, where you learn best and fastest.”-Daniel Coyle says in The Little Book of Talent