International Thriller Writers Award winner, and #1 bestselling writing instructor. The Suspense Never Rests™
Happy Birthday, the great Dashiell Hammett. Let's put The Maltese Falcon on high school reading lists, replacing Gatsby. IMHO.
Damon Young is a philosopher and author
Sunday morning reading: THE MALTESE FALCON, by Dashiell Hammett. I snagged this at the lauded Fullers Bookshop Everyman sale, and regret nothing.
Reader, watcher, and scribbler of noir. Lover of all things vintage. Pro-print and analog-agog. A black-and-white fella in a CGI world.
Joel Cairo: You always have a very smooth explanation. Sam Spade: What do you want me to do, learn to stutter? —Dialogue from THE MALTESE FALCON (1941). Script by John Huston, adapted from Dashiell Hammett’s novel.
"The Maltese Falcon is not only probably the best detective story we have ever read, it is an exceedingly well written novel." --The Times Literary Supplement (London)
"Hammett's prose [is] clean and entirely unique. His characters [are] as sharply and economically defined as any in American fiction." --The New York Times