A must read for fans of Shogun, Downton Abbey, Outlander and other sweeping tales rooted in history!
Honoring the tradition of noted historical fiction writers such as Ken Follett, Philippa Gregory, and James Clavell, The Opium Lord's Daughter artfully weaves true events and characters into the narrative, offering the reader a selective glimpse into a world populated with:
Lady Su-Mei, the eponymous protagonist, valiantly resists her wealthy and powerful father--one of the largest opium traders in mid-19th century China--who attempts to force her into the barbaric practice of foot binding.
Her defiance sets in motion a series of events, forever altering her fate, as well as the fates of those she holds dear. Throughout the course of the story, Su-Mei and her loved ones experience:
The Opium Lord's Daughter is an expedition through the destruction of a culture, underscoring the hold and havoc drug empires continue to exert in society, even to this day.
Former US Ambassador•Board/Biz Executive•Milken Institute Asia•Commentator & Warrior against the #littleBRIC: bureaucracy~regulation~ inequality~corruption.
“The Opium Lord’s Daughter,” by Robert Wang. @RobertTWang What we’re #reading next at the #curtischinbookclub: a novel based on historical events of the first Opium War.