Taking its bearings from the Greek myth of Orpheus, whose singing had the power to move the rocks and trees and to quiet the animals, Elizabeth Sewell's The Orphic Voice transforms our understanding of the relationship between mind and nature. Myth, Sewell argues, is not mere fable but an ancient and vital form of reflection that unites poetry, philosophy, and natural science: Shakespeare with Francis Bacon and Giambattista Vico; Wordsworth and Rilke with Michael Polanyi. All these members of the Orphic company share a common perception that "discovery, in science and poetry, is a mythological situation in which the mind unites with a figure of its own devising as a means toward understanding the world." Sewell's visionary book, first published in 1960, presents brilliantly illuminating readings of A Midsummer Night's Dream and Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus, among other masterpieces, while deepening our understanding not only of poetry and the history of ideas but of the biological reach of the mind.
David Schenck is a writer and academic, and was a friend of Elizabeth Sewell.
Poet @Tin_House; poems in @NewYorker @NationPoetry @TheAtlantic Newest book: https://t.co/YZrmNgYMwv Founder @RuthStoneHouse Host of @OdeAndPsyche https://t.co/9ZMhf8g6D1
Poetry, metaphor, mythology are highly realistic and down to earth. It is logic and mathematics which are the imaginative and fantastical exercise. Elizabeth Sewell, The Orphic Voice
Rain Taxi champions aesthetically adventurous literature.
We are pleased to include a review by Patrick Dunagan of “The Orphic Voice” (@nyrbclassics) by Elizabeth Sewell in our new 107th print issue: https://t.co/Vam1UcruJi #LitCrit #LitMag #BookReview
Essayist, Translator, Writing first English-language Biography of Robert Musil for Yale UP. Portals: https://www.thisissplice https://t.co/PN4TugILXW
Not everyone likes my book, but that @AuerbachKeller has put it at the top of his Humanities books of the year, along with World of Patterns by Rens Bod & Sewell's The Orphic Voice, is overwhelmingly cheering to me! It's Portals, publ. by @thisissplice. https://t.co/XwNAADfjEL
"This is an inspired book, an argument which is poetry in action. It may very well be that Elizabeth Sewell is of the visionary company which her work describes. I regard The Orphic Voice as a book of tremendous originality and importance." --George Steiner
"Esoteric [and] engrossing . . . Sewell contends that poetry is our most inclusive form of thought, the best instrument yet devised for dealing with wholes, for unifying all the forms in nature, whether they pertain to inner or outer landscape." --Stanley Kunitz
"The Orphic Voice is important both in the literature of the history of ideas and as a kind of source-book for working poets (and readers of poetry)." --Denise Levertov