Critic Reviews
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Emily Gould is a novelist.
every morning at dropoff we have to show Ms. M a screenshot of the health screening questionnaire, it's always the last shot on my roll, anyway this morning I ran out of storage without realizing it and showed Ms. M a photo of the endpapers of The Power Notebooks by Katie Roiphe
Weekend Confidential @WSJ; formerly @TheEconomist; bemused observer
It is often fascinating to witness Katie Roiphe reckon with her personal contradictions in "The Power Notebooks"; her ambivalence here feels more authentic, and therefore more persuasive, than her polemics. My review @WSJ
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"It is like Katie Roiphe has a Tumblr, and also like Katie Roiphe believes she has invented having a Tumblr." @mollyhfischer reviews Katie Roiphe's latest book, THE POWER NOTEBOOKS, in our Apr/May issue: