The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes 30th Anniversary Edition collects issues #1-8 of the original run of The Sandman, beginning an epic saga unique in graphic literature and introducing readers to a dark and enchanting world of dreams and nightmares--the home of Morpheus, the King of Dreams, and his kin, the Endless.
Sam Kieth was born in 1963 and started his professional career when he was seventeen. Later on he sold some work to DC Comics and Marvel, where he illustrated Wolverine. In 1987 Kieth drew the first five issues of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman and went on to create his own comic series called The Maxx, which was published by Image comics from 1993 until 1998. The success of the series spawned an award-winning cartoon on MTV, trading cards, a toy, and even some statues. This work is currently in print as graphic novels from DC's WildStorm imprint. Keith's recent work includes Wolverine/Hulk for Marvel Comics and Batman: Secrets and Scratch for DC Comics. He has also created several other creator-owned properties that have been published by WildStorm including Epicurus The Sage and Zero Girl.
Hilarious #Podcast where drunks tackle famous books w/#Craftbeer tied to characters, themes, etc. iTunes: Spotify:
The Sandman Vol 1: Preludes and Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman @neilhimself is the NEW EPISODE from the DRUNK GUYS BOOK CLUB #PODCAST w #craftbeer @finbackbrewery #TheSandman Listen at Apple: Spotify: @HoppedUpNetwork
Original short Stories by Iza forestspirit, author, #QuestionCrew Tolkien fan, fantasy lover , married #writer ♀️ Interests: #mythology, #Tolkien, #fantasy
@AmHamWrites The last one was a comic/graphic novel - The Sandman vol. 1 Preludes & Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman
"Dark, iconoclastic and wildly successful." --The San Francisco Examiner