Author of THE SECRET GARDEN OF YANAGI INN, freelance editor, university professor. Creative Writing PhD from @AngliaRuskin Rep'd by @harryillers @DHHLitAgency
So honored to receive these kind words about my debut novel from Keri Wilt ( @well_tendedlife ), great-great-granddaughter of Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of the original THE SECRET GARDEN #thesecretgarden #retelling #22debuts
Kansas City @PBS provides trusted public media services to local audiences through — television, radio, online reporting and educational engagement.
Based on the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, this is the story of the educated but penniless Emily, who accepts a practical marriage proposal from Lord James Walderhurst. "The Making of a Lady" is streaming now on Passport, an added member benefit!
From editorial to business, we provide research to the premier titles in media. Also sharing iconic images from the company archives. Tweets by @DeirdreMcNo
Looking back 100 years to a snowy House & Garden cover. February 1922 oil color illustration by Ethel Franklin Betts Bains. Bains was a frequent H&G cover artist and illustrated the 1905 children's novel, “A Little Princess” by Frances Hodgson Burnett.