Poets & Writers, Inc. is the primary source of information, support, and guidance for creative writers.
#FromTheArchive: “A poetry reading builds up to a climax, and if it’s a success it leaves the audience somewhat high.” —Lawrence Ferlinghetti March/April 2007 https://t.co/PBEabcVF7W https://t.co/hrm4zq9oqS
Independent book editor. Senior editor, @zyzzyvamag. Also edit for @mcsweeneys. Bylines: @nytimes, @latimes. Former San Francisco Chronicle books editor.
Made a pilgrimage to @CityLightsBooks — my first visit since the store’s founder, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, died last year at age 101. This display in the upstairs poetry room showcases his work. 🙏 https://t.co/lWRjwrJMe9
Poem-a-Day, #NationalPoetryMonth & more from the Academy of American Poets, the nation's leading champion of poets, poetry, and the work of poetry organizations
What are poets for, in such an age? What is the use of poetry? The state of the world calls out for poetry to save it. —Lawrence Ferlinghetti, born #OTD in 1919 https://t.co/eSNCEJxZCS