Alyssa Harad is an author.
All of the above from Alice Notley's preface to The Speak Angel Series and all my gratitude to poets who are far out ahead of the rest of us, make a little space for me to step into on days like this.
Reviews. Interviews. Marginalia. An online publication of literary criticism focusing on debuts, works in translation, and books published by small presses.
"Sitting down to read it feels like tackling Pound's Cantos, Benjamin's Arcades Project, or Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias," writes David Brazil in his review of THE SPEAK ANGEL SERIES by @alice_notley (@fonograf_ed):
Poets & Writers, Inc. is the primary source of information, support, and guidance for creative writers.
“I’ll interpret for everyone dead or alive and make the words radiate The story so thick with breaking up layers That you have to be in it neweyed feeling your way” #PageOneAudio Enjoy @alice_notley reading from the opening of The Speak Angel Series: