Good news! For all the divisive shadows rising across the landscape of the global community these days, there is an answering and much more potent luminosity. Human consciousness is unfolding toward its essential unity - not only with other humans but also with all Life. This lucid book both celebrates that evolutionary trajectory and guides our full and empowered participation. -Mirabai Starr, author of Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss & Transformation, and God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity & Islam What makes this book a classic is its profound stretch across the philosophical, metaphysical, scientific, and spiritual panorama of existence, all wrapped in the universal language of connectivity that unites all sentient beings: Love. It is a must-read by the widest of global audiences. -Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning This beautiful book helps us find a whole new category of understanding evolution. It is not a materialistic process seen only from the outside; it is the interior journey of humanity's consciousness, love and creativity, a remarkable work that I recommend wholeheartedly. -Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential As Muhammad said, "To every age its own book." Atkinson's The Story of Our Time aptly summarizes today's story of emergent conscious unity across our species. Organizing the scientific, spiritual, and myriad other elements of this story into seven binding principles only further enhances the value of this book. -Kurt Johnson, organizer of The Interspiritual Network, and author of The Coming Interspiritual Age With clarity and insight, Atkinson describes this pivotal moment in our collective evolution. Here are the guidelines for the shift in consciousness humanity needs to make if we are to survive and transform, if we are to make the transition from "the love of power to the power of love." Here is real hope grounded in the deep understanding of life's essential unity and our innate capacity for love. -Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Sufi teacher and author of Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth In The Story of Our Time, Robert Atkinson bravely, audaciously, and compellingly identifies factors that can move the consciousness of humanity toward the unity that underlies the divisions of ordinary perception - and, as he astutely illustrates, there is no greater task before us. This is an important contribution to the evolutionary dialogue that is our best hope of transcending the problems that our constricted awareness has created. -Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation, How Indian Spirituality Changed the West Robert Atkinson's The Story of Our Time is a thoughtful, balanced, and gracious contribution from the Baha'i perspective, introducing a stream of unitive evolutionary wisdom that has been ahead of the curve for a long time and deserves to be more widely known. -Cynthia Bourgeault, author of The Wisdom Way of Knowing; The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three; and, The Heart of Centering Prayer: Nondual Christianity in Theory and Practice