The future can be prosperous for everyone, but only if we address the problems of racial and economic inequality.
McGhee believes that all people, of all ages and all backgrounds, need to rethink their attitude toward race and strive together to create opportunities that benefit everyone.
This book is a call to action. McGhee examines how damaging racism is, not only to people of color but also to white people. She offers hope and real solutions so we can all prosper. An expert in economic policy, McGhee draws lessons both from her work at a think tank and from her travels around the country talking to everyday Americans fighting for a more just and inclusive society.
The people she meets prove how the stories we tell ourselves about race and belonging influence the policies that determine our shared economic future.
The Sum of Us provides hope that with understanding and open-mindedness, the world can be more united and equitable than it is today.
Philly’s premiere speaker series featuring live Author Events at the Free Library of Philadelphia. Also podcasts and videos.
Free event tonight at 7:30 with @hmcghee and The Sum of Us (Adapted for Young Readers): How Racism Hurts Everyone, in conversation with Tracey Matisak. A recent review to get you up to speed:
A kids division of @penguinrandom 🐧 Books for children of all ages 📚
🚨 MEET THE AUTHOR 🚨 @hmcghee, author of #TheSumofUsBook, is coming to a city near you! Bookmark this Tweet 🔖 and join us. If you can't make an event, pick up a copy of her book adapted for a new generation of young readers, leaders, and activists:
Racism has a cost for everyone.
@hmcghee spoke with @BrianLehrer about the youth adaptation of #TheSumofUsBook, out now! Listen to their full convo here: Order The Sum of Us: Young Readers (ages 10 and up) here:
★ "Of great value to anyone who values straight-to-the-point, thorough writing on race in America." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review
★ "A thought-provoking next read after Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi's Stamped (2020)." --Booklist, starred review