A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection
May 2007. When an American treasure-hunting company uncovers a shipwreck containing the greatest underwater trove ever found, the world is captivated by their discovery. But over in Spain, a group of low-level government officials surmises that the sunken ship is in fact an ancient Spanish vessel. Thus begins a legal and political thriller, pitting a group of idealistic diplomats against a rich and powerfully connected treasure hunter, in which vital cultural artifacts and hundreds of millions of dollars hang in the balance.
Cartoonist Paco Roca and writer Guillermo Corral bring a cinematic flair to this graphic novel, combining threads of Tintin-inspired seafaring adventure, political intrigue, tense courtroom drama, and, in the midst of it all, a budding romance. A gripping dramatization of a little-known, unbelievable true story of money, political power, and cultural heritage.
The Treasure of the Black Swan was adapted into an original television series, La Fortuna, starring Stanley Tucci and debuted in the US on AMC Plus in January 2022.
The official twitter account for the new Slings and Arrows Graphic Novel Guide.
The poltical truth behind recovering long lost riches from the sea in the absorbing Treasure of the Black Swan. Authenticity from Spanish diplomat Guillermo Corral and tidy art from @paco_roca. @fantagraphics https://t.co/01xWIEeibe https://t.co/5czdRMzEwB
Columnist: National Post/Troy Media/Loonie Politics/Epoch Times. Bylines: WSJ, WP, WT, WEX, NR, FT, DT, TLS, etc. Pundit: Bynon/Snow. Fmr. Harper speechwriter.
My Dec. 6, 2022 Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) review of Paco Roca's "The Winter of the Cartoonist" and Paco Roca and Guillermo Corral's "The Treasure of the Black Swan." [cc. @paco_roca, @gcorralvandamme, @fantagraphics, @earinc, @Jacq_Cohen] https://t.co/8DQJuw4zGc