Sadly, his arguments and observations are more relevant than ever. Although "this book has not had the happy fate of being proved wrong," Berry writes, there are people working "to make something comely and enduring of our life on this earth." Wendell Berry is one of those people, writing and working, as ever, with passion, eloquence, and conviction.
I shall never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good. - Seneca Good
If a healthy soil is full of death, it is also full of life: worms, fungi, microorganisms of all kinds ... Given only the health of the soil, nothing that dies is dead for very long. PS. - Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture
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📚 2 reading tips ahead of the 1st episode of Re:Agriculture, our new series on #RegenerativeAgriculture Both by David R. Montgomery 1 of our experts for this episode 👉 Dirt, The Erosion of Civilizations: 👉 What your food ate:
Lover of justice. Author of Shrink, Public Jesus, An Evangelical Social Gospel. Writer of songs w/Satellite Soul. Wrote my dissertation on Lacan, Zizek & Hegel.
“There can be no such thing as a “global village.” No matter how much one may love the world as a whole, one can live fully in it only by living responsibly in some small part of it.” - Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America