"The Wilderness is nothing short of astonishing. Maurya Simon is a poet for the ages, an exuberant chronicler of moments large and small who discovers at every turn new ways of illuminating the sum of her experience, and in this new and selected edition of work gathered over many decades she reveals herself to be in the grip of what Wallace Stevens called 'the necessary angel of earth'--the one who helps us to see the world around us in all its resplendent glory."--Christopher Merrill, author of Self-Portrait with Dogwood
"Maurya Simon's is one of the strongest, most humane, imaginative, compassionate, and flat-out brilliant voices of her generation."--Richard Tillinghast
"Maurya Simon's was interviewed by Meryl Natchez from Poetry Flash
They discuss why she is not as wide spread as other poets, where she drew inspiration from for The Wilderness, and her journey throughout her life.Read the full interview here.