Paranoia. Terrorism. Chaos. Welcome to Boston, a few years from now...
In a divided city under the increasing influence of a ruthless megacorporation, a widower and his activist daughter, a sadistic private military contractor and his conflicted subordinate, and a Congressman-turned-concentration camp director are on a collision course that will determine the fate of an America descending into fascism.
After the death of his wife in a subway bombing, Harold Maguire's only real concern is making sure his daughter Aiden doesn't pick up the banner of political activism he put down decades ago. David Blair is deeply shaken by what he's seeing as a recruit at Protection Services - a private military corporation owned by the omnipotent Arbitrage Holdings - and he's even more concerned about the conduct of his brutal Lieutenant, Frederick Eckart. Harold's old friend Joe Grant is cashing out of Congress with a golden parachute, managing the Arbitrage internment program in Boston for those deemed "unfit for trial" by the fanatical Leader Robert Wilson Wright and his authoritarian regime.
Blair and Eckart pull riot duty for a demonstration outside of the Chelsea Internment Facility, a walled-off city appropriated by Arbitrage Holdings to be used as a dumping ground for the government's declared enemies. Harold is desperate to talk Aiden out of attending. Joe Grant is realizing running the Facility isn't as rewarding as he thought. When violence erupts at the protest and conspiracy swirls, the characters will converge - and none will be the same.
"An exceptional read! If you're a fan of the futuristic political thriller genre, then this is a book you don't want to miss....Tarr clearly knows how to write a fluid, action-packed scene and he does this exceptionally."
-Amy Johnson, Author of Caged (the Idyllic Series)
"James Tarr has constructed a dystopian world that, however horrifying, seems all too possible considering the current political climate in the US and the world at large. Through that lens, he has skillfully interwoven a complex and intriguing plot with compelling and relatable characters. These characters may very well be us, several years from now. I plowed through this book in one day. The tightly written narrative kept me invested in the story and characters and I couldn't put it down. It felt like I was reading a future worst-case scenario history of the US. This book is entertaining enough to divert us but also realistic enough to remind us that just because we think that fascism could never happen here, we should think again. Highly recommended!"
-Ryan P. McGowan