Biannual literary magazine founded in 1990 at @UNTEnglish. Spring 2023 Issue:
Exciting news! ALR contributor Michelle Ross's book They Kept Running will soon be published from UNT Press (no relation to ALR) after winning the Katherine Anne Porter Prize. You can read Ross's story "Marching Season" in our upcoming spring issue!
Literary press housed in the English Department at Missouri State University. Sponsors the Moon City Poetry Award and the Moon City Short Fiction Award.
We'd like to thank @deborahkalb for once again highlighting Michelle Ross' work, this time discussing her newest collection, THEY KEPT RUNNING: Michelle's book was also recently featured in @monkeybicycle's IF MY BOOK series:
Reviews, interviews, and essays by, for, and about emerging writers. Fiction matters!
"The shorter a story is, the more vulnerable I feel as a writer." @woodardwriter and Michelle Ross talk microfiction vs. short stories, how to organize a book of 57 stories, and Ross's new collection, THEY KEPT RUNNING, out now from @UNTPress.
"Michelle Ross gives us the world of women in three parts in this extraordinary collection of flash fictions. Sharply observant and unexpected, often harrowing, these stories are just long enough to make their mark and leave us gasping. Danger in various forms lurks in these pages and for the girls, adolescents, and women who inhabit them. The writing is layered and precise, rich in metaphor and startling juxtapositions. The girls and women depicted in Ross's stories are by turns innocent and knowing, vulnerable and mighty. They Kept Running is an intelligent, inventive, and utterly compelling masterwork by a writer at the height of her powers."--Kathy Fish, author of Wild Life: Collected Works
"I've read over a hundred Michelle Ross stories now, and with each new tale, I feel as if I'm discovering a new writer, embarking on a grand adventure, meeting a character I've never before considered possible. With this third collection, Ross has proven herself not only one of our most innovative and smart (and prolific) storytellers, but she has also evolved into one of our great satirists, every piece buzzing with commentary and comedy. Whether Ross is lampooning overblown masculinity or spoofing misguided intellectualism, she strikes a truth every time, making They Kept Running a joyous, entertaining, and memorable read, her best effort yet."--Michael Czyzniejewski, author of I Will Love You for the Rest of My Life: Breakup Stories