"This may be the first truly honest book ever written about climate change."--Bryan Walsh "Time"
"[A]robust new polemic. . . . Drawing on an impressive volume of research, Ms. Klein savages the idea that we will be saved by new technologies or by an incremental shift away from fossil fuels: Both approaches, she argues, are forms of denial. . . . Ms. Klein is aware of the intractability of the problems she describes, but she manages optimism nonetheless."--Nathaniel Rich "The New York Times"
"If global warming is a worldwide wake-up call, we're all pretty heavy sleepers. . . . We haven't made significant progress, Klein argues, because we've been expecting solutions from the very same institutions that created the problem in the first place. . . . Klein's sharp analysis makes a compelling case that a mass awakening is part of the answer."--Chris Bentley "The Chicago Tribune"
"Gripping and dramatic. . . . [Klein] writes of a decisive battle for the fate of the earth in which we either take back control of the planet from the capitalists who are destroying it or watch it all burn."--Roy Scranton "Rolling Stone"
"Naomi Klein's latest book may be the manifesto that the climate movement -- and the planet -- needs right now. . . . For those with whom her message does resonate -- and they are likely to be legion -- her book could help catalyze the kind of mass movement she argues the world needs now."--Mason Inman "San Francisco Chronicle"
"Powerfully and uncompromisingly written, the impassioned polemic we have come to expect from Klein, mixing first-hand accounts of events around the world and withering political analysis. . . . Her stirring vision is nothing less than a political, economic, social, cultural and moral make-over of the human world."--Mike Hulme "New Scientist"
"A powerful, profound, and compelling book."--Matthew Rothschild "The Progressive"
"Klein is one of the left's most influential figures and a prominent climate champion. . . . [She] is a gifted writer and there is little doubt about the problem she identifies."--Pilita Clark "The Financial Times"
"This Changes Everything is the work book for . . . [a] new, more assertive, more powerful environmental movement."--Mark Bittman
"Naomi Klein is a genius. She has done for politics what Jared Diamond did for the study of human history. She skillfully blends politics, economics and history and distills out simple and powerful truths with universal applicability."--Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
"The most momentous and contentious environmental book since Silent Spring."--Rob Nixon "The New York Times Book Review"
"This is the best book about climate change in a very long time--in large part because it's about much more. It sets the most important crisis in human history in the context of our other ongoing traumas, reminding us just how much the powers-that-be depend on the power of coal, gas and oil. And that in turn should give us hope, because it means the fight for a just world is the same as the fight for a livable one."--Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature and co-founder of 350.org
"Naomi Klein applies her fine, fierce, and meticulous mind to the greatest, most urgent questions of our times. . . . I count her among the most inspirational political thinkers in the world today."--Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things and Capitalism: A Ghost Story
"Klein is a brave and passionate writer who always deserves to be heard, and this is a powerful and urgent book."--John Gray "The Observer (UK)"