Tom Peters is the author of many international bestsellers, including A Passion for Excellence and Thriving on Chaos. The father of the post-modern corporation (Los Angeles Times), he speaks to audiences the world over and lives in Vermont.
Tom Peters is the author of many international bestsellers, including A Passion for Excellence and Thriving on Chaos. "The father of the post-modern corporation" (Los Angeles Times), he speaks to audiences the world over and lives in Vermont.
Accomplished Speaker; presents synopses of books on business & social justice for serious lifelong learners. Democrat; Feminist & antiracist. Read more books!
@AP_Top25 I still miss the Southwest Conference. @tom_peters wrote the book Thriving on Chaos. We are more like drowning in chaos…
CTO of @OODA, home of the OODA Network, a community of business leaders, technologists, intelligence and security professionals. Join us at OODAcon 25 Oct.
This was one of my favorite discoveries in our OODAcast with @FuentesDeOnoro: learned that John Boyd influenced @tom_peters of Thriving on Chaos fame and the two actually met. See this short clip: