A beautiful hardcover edition of Virginia Woolf's groundbreaking novel.
Though its fame as an icon of twentieth-century literature rests primarily on the brilliance of its narrative technique and the impressionistic beauty of its prose, To the Lighthouse is above all the story of a quest, and as such it possesses a brave and magical universality.
Observed across the years at their vacation house facing the gales of the North Atlantic, Mrs. Ramsay and her family seek to recapture meaning from the flux of things and the passage of time. Though it is the death of Mrs. Ramsay on which the novel turns, her presence pervades every page in a poetic evocation of loss and memory that is also a celebration of domestic life and its most intimate details. Virginia Woolf's great book enacts a powerful allegory of the creative consciousness and its momentary triumphs over fleeting material life.
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To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf . #Books #Classic https://t.co/nNmgGXcs0n
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"The boeuf en daube in TO THE LIGHTHOUSE, a 1927 novel by Virginia Woolf about an English family on vacation in the Hebrides, is one of the best-known dishes in literature." #CookingWith #LiteraryRecipes #ParisReview https://t.co/IisQpWHSQQ https://t.co/3r7doLOFOG
everything was beautiful and nothing hurt
@noahlt The closest I can think of is “To The Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf, particularly the Lily Briscoe character’s states while painting .. and I suppose Emerson’s writing on transcendentalism which I feel like is what flow state is tapping into the experience of in brief moments
"Without question one of the two or three finest novels of the twentieth century. Woolf comments on the most pressing dramas of our human predicament: war, mortality, family, love. If you're like me you'll come back to this book often, always astounded, always moved, always refreshed." -Rick Moody
"[Woolf's] people are astoundingly real...The tragic futility, the absurdity, the pathetic beauty, of life-we experience all of this in our sharing of seven hours of Mrs. Ramsay's wasted or not wasted existence.
We have seen, through her, the world." -Conrad Aiken