Tolstoy is most famous for his two major novels, Anna Karenina and War and Peace, but he also produced several minor masterpieces, of which The Death of Ivan Illyich
is the most outstanding. In this tale he deals with the subject of
death, which for civilised people of our time has become a taboo.
opening this book the reader should be warned: this is strong meat, not
to be tasted by the squeamish. Whether the reader finds the hero's
spiritual conversion convincing or not, he/she cannot fail to be
impressed by the sheer power and artistry of Tolstoy's writing.
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@patrick_oshag Books that changed my life: - Man’s Search for Meaning: Frankl - Death of Ivan Ilyich : Tolstoy - On the Genealogy of Morality: Nietzsche - Letters to a Young Poet: Rilke - The Picture of Dorian Gray: Wilde - Revolutionary Suicide: Huey Newton
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Back in stock: The Death of Ivan Ilyich and The Devil by #LeoTolstoy. “in the midst of life we are in death” #Tolstoy #Literature #books
PhD. Theology. Professor. Husband. Father of 6. Devoted to the splendor of St. Thomas. My book: Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin ↓
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