When Tom Fisher, a timid boy of eleven years
and his cheeky best friend Jenny Summers
meet Freya; a real-life witch she teaches them
the ways of the forest. Kidnapped by the dark
elves, the children must find a way to save her,
but is Freya all that she seems?
The hedgewitch is keeping a powerful secret
that will change Tom's life forever.
An exciting fantasy adventure for children aged 8-12, and their parents too.
Full of folklore, magic myth, and legend, with a modern twist.
Enid Blyton meets the Sword and the Stone.
Budding writer always reading #books #amwriting #historicalfiction #Fantasy I'm here for the #readingcommunity, #writingcommunity and the #bookcommunity
Tom and the Hedgewitch by @CALewis731 . My read for the weekend. Some lovely colour plates by Leanne Allen. Tom makes friends with a witch in the old Oaken Wood Forest. Is she nice or is she nasty? We shall see. https://t.co/hk3C4jI3G5