Paul Fischer celebrates the open road in Travels of an American Backpacker During the 1970s.
Fischer, a US native now living in Chile, traveled around the globe during the 1970s, backpacking in East Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Central America, and South America.
Originally written as tales he would send to his mother from abroad, these nineteen short narratives highlight the lives and unique connections of backpackers. By setting out to explore the world, make friendships, and foster equality, intrepid wanderers such as Fischer are often afforded an unparalleled look at the human condition.
Fischer also shares his experiences volunteering with the Peace Corps in Ethiopia and teaching in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Stories about an Ethiopian village almost attacked by angry farmers or his climb up Mount Kilimanjaro come alive in Fischer's uplifting account of what it's like to explore the Earth. In a more meditative moment, he recounts his first trip to Zurich, Switzerland, a journey that first motivated him to join the Peace Corps.
Fischer has used these experiences to teach Santiago, Chile, high schoolers about international geography and world culture. In this collection, they serve to celebrate the camaraderie and thrill of backpacking.
American expat Paul Fischer, a teacher and world traveler, now calls Santiago, Chile, home. He earned a bachelor's degree at Duke University and a master's degree in history at the University of Denver.
A Peace Corps volunteer stationed in Ethiopia during the 1970s, Fischer now serves as a United Planet Chile coordinator for volunteers coming to Chile. He teaches business English and technical writing at the Universidad de los Andes in Santiago.