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In True History of the Kelly Gang, the legendary Ned Kelly speaks for himself, scribbling his narrative on errant scraps of paper in semiliterate but magically descriptive prose as he flees from the police. To his pursuers, Kelly is nothing but a monstrous criminal, a thief and a murderer. To his own people, the lowly class of ordinary Australians, the bushranger is a hero, defying the authority of the English to direct their lives. Indentured by his bootlegger mother to a famous horse thief (who was also her lover), Ned saw his first prison cell at 15 and by the age of 26 had become the most wanted man in the wild colony of Victoria, taking over whole towns and defying the law until he was finally captured and hanged. Here is a classic outlaw tale, made alive by the skill of a great novelist.
Publishing independently since 1929.
'The declared meaning of a spoken sentence is only its overcoat, and the real meaning lies underneath its scarves and buttons.' Happy 80th birthday to Peter Carey, author of Oscar and Lucinda, True History of the Kelly Gang, Parrot and Olivier in America & A Long Way From Home.
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I’ve said it before, but I *love* a novel that begins with a map, and I’m excited to reread this one Zoom in for the wild opening of Peter Carey True History of the Kelly Gang 🌏
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Peter Carey’s ‘True History of the Kelly Gang’ was inspired by Kelly's so-called Jerilderie letter. McGregor attempts a similar act of ventriloquism, inhabiting the voice of her working-class antihero, though Iris Webber’s voice is very different.
"Carey succeeds in creating an account that not only feels authentic but also passes as a serious novel and solid, old-fashioned 'entertainment.' A big, meaty novel, blending Dickens and Cormac McCarthy with a distinctly Australian strain of melancholy."--San Francisco Chronicle
"A bravura performance.... Rewards the persistent reader with a powerful emotional experience."--The Wall Street Journal
"Carey's pen writes with an ink that is two parts archaic and one part modern and colors a prose that rocks and cajoles the reader into a certainty that Ned Kelly is fit company not only for Jack Palance and Clint Eastwood but for Thomas Jefferson and perhaps even a bodhisattva."--Los Angeles Times
"The power and charm of [this book] arise not from fidelity to facts but rather from the voice Carey invents for Ned Kelly...."--Time
"So adroit that you never doubt it's Kelly's own words you're reading in the headlong, action-packed story."--Newsweek
"This novel is worth our best attention."--The Washington Post Book World
"An avalanche of a novel.... Cary has raised a national legend to the level of an international myth."--Christian Science Monitor
"Packed with incident, alive with comedy and pathos . . . contains pretty much everything you could ask of a novel." --The New York Times Book Review