Aspiring philosopher; tolerable human; "amusing combination of sardonic detachment & literally all the feelings felt entirely unironically all at once" [he/his]
St Thomas More - the parish I grew up in was named after him and I read Utopia at an impressionable age.
YT: Beheerd door: De Balie Politiek en culturele programmering The Art of Democracy Het vrije woord
Should literature alert us, congratulate us, or inspire us with hope? Today 20:00 in De Balie, some tickets left. Europe has a long tradition of utopian and dystopical novelists. ‘Utopia’ from the sixteenth century by Thomas More or ‘Brave New World’ from the twentieth century…
Author of horror and crime. History Professor. Great Pyrenees obsessed. Movie and book obsessed. Proprietor of @TheScythianWolf. He/Him.
Reading Nebula nominees of the 60s. Up next: Past Master (1968) by R.A. Lafferty "Plucked from time, Sir Thomas More arrives on the colony of Astrobe in 2535 AD, where there is trouble in utopia. Can he save this golden world from the soulless perfection they have engineered?"