Since the summer of 2010, young Buddhist teacher Lodro Rinzler has been writing a popular advice column for the Huffington Post and the Interdependence Project called "What Would Sid Do?" ("Sid" being Lodro's nickname for Siddhartha Gautama--the prince who became the Buddha). Lodro's insightful and often funny answers to questions--ranging from how to forgive, to how to deal with a boss who's a bully, to whether or not it's OK to join made him the Dear Abby of the spiritual-but-not-religious crowd. This book gathers all of Lodro's Huffington Post columns, along with much as-yet-unpublished material, to provide a guide to life in a Q&A format that allows you to easily access wisdom for dealing with the myriad challenges of life--traditional challenges as well as uniquely modern ones related to things like social justice and social media.
"Unflinching in its exploration of Buddhist practice today . . . Rinzler offers a guidebook to developing an unconditional faith in our wakefulness."--Shambhala Sun magazine
"Many readers will be delighted by a welcome departure from goody-goody attitudes toward Buddhist practice in Rinzler's earnest dealings with 'taboo' subjects like sex and binge drinking..."--Tricycle
"It's easy to be confused when you spot a book called Walk Like a Buddha--does Buddha even walk? But its author, Lodro Rinzler, has practiced Buddhism since he was 11 and might convince you to adopt some of the Buddha's holy moves. Food for thought for your next stressful subway commute, day at work, or moment at home."--Metro New York