Elementary School Librarian. Library Media Specialist. Teacher-Librarian. Whatever.
We're down to the FINAL ROUND! Thursday's matchup between "What if you had Animal Feet?" by @sandra_markle and "Interrupting Chicken: Cookies for Breakfast" by @_DavidEzraStein will be epic! The students of NAC Elementary have rocked this year's March Madness Book Tournament! https://t.co/TLBmoZVj34
Award-winning author of over 200 PBs for children. Science Magic and Book Stories at School and VIRTUAL Visits. website hhttp://sandra-markle.blogspot.com
It’s Library Month! So Markle’s Book Explorers let your readers also be writers. This month’s FREE activity is a guide to creating their own take on my WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL FEET!? (Scholastic). @luv2teachtech @MrMerrillsClass @pennykittle @Scholastic @ALALibrary https://t.co/fvYZdo1l8u