Matt Verderame is a sports reporter who covers the NFL.
To this end, if you've never read When Pride Still Mattered by @davidmaraniss on Lombardi, you should rectify that immediately. It's one of the best books I've ever read
Great sportswriting, handpicked. A companion to @longform.
"When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi" Searching for the man behind the stereotypes. (@DavidMaraniss)
GMShuffle Pod, @TheDaily_Coach | Proud husband, father of 2 coaches, 2 amazing daughters-in-law, 4 grandsons, 1 beautiful granddaughter 2 lagottos & 3SB rings.
@dhicks00 @AdamMFrey1 Clinton, first in his class, not political--insightful. when Pride Still Mattered, they Marched into Sunlight, all by David Maraniss. Any Amor Toles novel, or Widow for 1 Year, John Irving