Since the clear-cutting era, naturalists, foresters, and scientists have taken up the quest to restore the great white pine forests. White Pine follows this centuries-long endeavor, illuminating how the efforts shaped Americans' understanding of key scientific ideas, from forest succession to the importance of fire. With his keen naturalist's eye, Pastor shows us why restoring the vitality of these forests has not been simple: a host of other creatures depend on white pine and white pine depends on them. In weaving together cultural and natural history, White Pine celebrates the way humans are connected to the forest--and to the larger natural world.
Today, white pine forests have begun to recover, but face the growing threat of climate change. White Pine shows us that hope for healthy forests lies in understanding the lessons of history, so that iconic species survive as a touchstone for future generations.
An independent, nonprofit, community radio station and NPR affiliate.
#phenology "smokey the bear was calling me to a life of conservation" but we went too far with extinguishing fires, when it comes to the trees Dr John Pastor, UMD his book "White Pine: The Natural and Human History of a Foundational American Tree"