Wooden Lions is the ultimate animal-lovers' book, with each poem in this amazing collection cradling the soul of a creature. Morton's poetry winds through our connection with the animal spirit, breathlessly binding us forever in their wisdom; their endless lifting up of humankind. This is a celebration of all beasts, reminding us to cherish all those who nurture us. A percentage of these book sales will be donated to animal shelters and facilities across the country.
The Lion. The Lioness
Come to me.
Come to me like the river's roar,
like ravens at the morning's door.
There's no knock;
no bronzed lion to pound and wake,
just yawning dawns; the lush daybreaks
like sunrise. I, your troubadour
will sing across your kitchen floor;
enough warmth
to stay the dark; to overtake
each fear, each tear the wicked make
slip your cheeks.
Let my arms be your sacred shore;
may loneness haunt you nevermore.
I, the flawed,
give you my sovereign heart to take--
each bounty, glory, each mistake
clasping hands through destiny's door.
Let us be fearless. Let us roar.
KARLA K. MORTON, the 2010 Texas Poet Laureate, is a member and Councilor of the Texas Institute of Letters, and a graduate of Texas A&M University. Morton is the recipient of the Writer-in-Residency E2C Grant, and has eleven collections of poetry. She lives in Ft. Worth, Texas.