There are moments in this life that change everything--some in our control, some not, but all shape the core of who we are; who we become. Every action, every event, has its own reaction that rearranges the stars, putting the sisters of Fate and Choice in constant question. This collection embraces those changes, opens them up, rolls them into the delicious magic of this unpredictable, glorious world.
A long observer of the natural world, karla k. morton does not believe in coincidences, but believes every word and step and observation has meaning and guides us. Just as the creation of the Minotaur was the gods' doing, there is beauty in the monster; there is reason and magic in its very existence. How lucky we are to be able to grow old enough to witness such revelations.
Morton's poetry guides us through the landmarks--the highs, the lows, creating an exquisite world within an ever-changing landscape of chaos.
The Margaret Lea Houston Series
from "Pentimento"
I have a few regrets,
but not one of them
is loving you.
karla k. morton has fourteen poetry collections. A National Heritage Wrangler Award Winner, twice a Next Generation Indie National Book Award winner, Betsy Colquitt award winner, E2C Grant recipient, and shortlisted for the Gregory O'Donoghue International Poetry Prize, she's published in journals such as American Life in Poetry, Alaska QuarterlyReview, Arkansas Review, Southword, descant, Boulevard, Comstock Review, Lascaux Review, New Ohio Review and Right Hand Pointing. Her poetry book about the National Parks, The National Parks: A Century of Grace (TCU Press), is very historic, as there has never been a book of poetry written about all 62 National Parks to help culturally preserve and protect them for the next seven generations. Morton and fellow Poet Laureate Alan Birkelbach traveled to all 62 National Parks, writing poetry and taking photos in situ, and a percentage of royalties from the book goes back to the National Park system. Morton was named Texas State Poet Laureate in 2010, is a songwriter, and is a nominee for the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame.
TRP: The University Press of SHSU publishes books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Distributed by the Texas A&M University Press Texas Book Consortium.
Congratulations to @TXPoetLaureate, whose book *Politics of the Minotaur* is the 2022 London Book Festival's Poetry Runner Up! #smallpress #universitypress #politicsoftheminotaur #poetry #poetrycommunity #books #bookawards #bookfestival #writingcommunity