Today is the day the exuberant Lucy is going to make a new friend! But she finds it's harder than she had thought--she accidentally ruins the giraffe's breakfast and is much too big for the frogs' pond. Just when she's about to give up, an unexpected friend finds her, and loves her just the way she is.
This heartwarming story offers a unique and humor-filled spin on the all-important themes of persistence and friendship.
More picture books by Peter Brown:
Children Make Terrible Pets
Mr. Tiger Goes Wild
The Curious Garden
Fred Gets Dressed
My Teacher Is a Monster (No, I Am Not!)
The Flight of the Dodo
The Fabulous Bouncing Chowder
A place to share the incredible achievements of children in Years Three and Four at Falconhurst School.
Over the next two weeks, Year 2 will be reading stories by the brilliant and hilarious author and illustrator Peter Brown. We will be beginning with 'You Will be My Friend' but my particular favorite is 'Mr Tiger Goes Wild'. Can't wait to get started! @itspeterbrown