Yiddish Book Center Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
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Yiddish Lives On: Strategies of Language Transmission
Rebecca Margolis
An excellent review for @ingeveb by Miriam Borden about Rebecca Margolis' "Yiddish Lives On: Strategies of Language Transmission." Read the piece, and join us at the Center on Weds. 6/14 @ 2:30pm for a free, in-person author talk and book signing! https://t.co/U3QcKpfbVH https://t.co/sSaFHZRe0B
Paperback, 2023
$37.95$18.98 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Last Watchman of Old Cairo
Michael David Lukas
Top awards go to Hunting the Truth by Beate and Serge Klarsfeld, The Last Watchman of Old Cairo by Michael David Lukas, and Alice Shalvi’s Never a Native https://t.co/l1kbtTtMLI
Paperback, 2020
$22.00$11.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Burning Lights
Bella Chagall
Bella Chagall's "Brenendike likht (Burning Lights)" is a tribute to her hometown Vitebsk, & includes illustrations from her husband, artist Marc Chagall. Pictured here are illustrations of Passover celebrations, including a family seated at the seder table & Eliyahu. https://t.co/LLzHuxkvDO
Paperback, 1988
$19.00$9.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Her Birth and Later Years: New and Collected Poems, 1971-2021
Irena Klepfisz
Visit our online store to purchase "Her Birth and Later Years" by Irena Klepfisz https://t.co/wuOUb8AKfJ
Hardcover, 2022
$28.00$14.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Hughes: Poems: Edited by David Roessel
Langston Hughes
In honor of Langston Hughes' birthday today & the start of Black History Month, we're sharing "Dos gezang fun neger folk (The Song of the Negro)," poems by Langston Hughes translated to Yiddish by Polish Jew, Zishe Bagish in 1936. https://t.co/Ew2cKAFNfZ
Hardcover, 1999
$20.00$10.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Dan Smith
By Sarah B. Smith, translated by Dan Setzer, "Fear," a news article from Smith's New York courtroom drama series "Who is Guilty" https://t.co/hsD0zg1dNI
Paperback, 2022
$20.99$10.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Raven: Poem
Edgar Allan Poe
One final (and belated) Halloween post - we couldn’t wait until next year to share! Did you know you can read many of Edgar Allan Poe’s works in Yiddish? Below, we shared the beginnings to his poem “Der rob (The Raven),” as translated by Y. Kisin with Farlag Yidish, NY, 1920 https://t.co/8nKYMNooeQ
Paperback, 2022
$13.95$6.97 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Franz Kafka
In honor of Franz Kafka’s birthday, here’s a Yiddish translation of The Trial (Der protses in Yiddish and Der Prozess in German). Der protses was translated by the famous Yiddish poet Melekh Ravitsh. https://t.co/ebf7K3WFTN
Paperback, 2024
$18.00$9.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Fables: Jean de la Fontaine; Translated by Sir Edward Marsh; Illustrated by R. de la Nézière
Jean de La Fontaine
“Der popugay” comes from Yehoash’s “Fablen (Fables),” published in New York in 1912. “Fablen” included original tales as well as adaptations from sources such as the Talmud, the Midrash, and folktales from Aesop (6th century BCE) and Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695).
Hardcover, 2001
$20.00$10.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Paper Bridges: Selected Poems of Kadya Molodowsky
Kadya Molodowsky
🌌 Track Nine 💫 Paper Bridges: Selected Poems of Kadya Molodowsky, translated by Kathryn Hellerstein 🌌 Track Ten 💫 Glikl Memoirs, 1691-1719 by Glikl Hamel, translated by Sara Friedman
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